“Friendship? Yes Please!”

“Friendship? Yes Please!”

Written by Maruška Healy

It is not unusual for most of us to think of Saint Monica when we think of Saint Augustine. She was instrumental in his conversion by shedding her tears for him in sincere prayer before God, asking to save her son. We might often find consolation in her story when praying for our children. But it struck me in a new way during this Year of the Seeker how vital the role of Ambrose was in the life of Saint Augustine. In addition to the maternal embrace, prayers, and tears of Saint Monica, he needed the wisdom, presence, and friendship of Saint Ambrose! He needed a home and a community to find God and serve Him.

A friendship captured on film by Tim Larsen

Photo taken by Tim Larsen

Our children are leaving home and beginning an adult life. I realize that a new sense of trust is required of me. As a wife and mother, I naturally desire those entrusted to me to grow closer to God and heaven. I pray for grace and wisdom to build a home culture deeply rooted in Christ. I pray for good memories for our children. God placed them in the sanctuary of our home to learn how to walk and talk, pray, and grow in virtue (however hopeless and daunting these tasks might sometimes seem). 

In the home, traditions are celebrated—feast days, birthday dinners, reading around the fire, night prayer in candlelight, dances on the lawn, singing, and games. All of these moments might seem insignificant, but they are like little seeds we plant daily. They are rooted in real life. They require us to be truly present to one another. Sometimes, they require silence. In these moments, we witness a glimpse of hope for our broken world. The fruits of these moments are often invisible and only unfold in time. Seeds grow slowly, and we need to be patient. 

Hopefully, as our children leave home, these memories of something good and beautiful will remind them of our love and God’s love for them. There is a time when, as their mother, I need to step aside. I need to trust that they will make the right decisions and stand firm in their faith. I must trust that the formation they received in the home will bear fruit. I need to trust that God’s grace is enough. 

As I ponder this new call to detachment, I am increasing my prayers for good and true friends for my children. I am praying for faithful friends who will accompany them on their journey, true and good friends who will look at the world with the same eyes and remind my children to see the ‘world of wonders’ around them and the ‘presence of God’ in everything. Each of our children needs ‘an Ambrose’, a genuine friendship, to learn from as well as someone else to serve in turn. Only then can the formation our children receive in the home be complete. Our home will always be their home, and they will always be welcome back. But their search, as well as my search, needs to include others. One cannot go to God alone! Friendship? Yes, please!

“Friendship? Yes, please.”

Charles dickens

About Maruška Healy

Maruška Healy was born in the Czech Republic, and she earned a Master’s in Theology from the International Theological Institute in Gaming, Austria. She and her husband currently reside in Maryland with their eight children. She loves to read and hopes to be a Well-Read mom and raise well-read children.

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In Well-Read Mom, women read more and read well. Our hope is to deepen the awareness of meaning hidden in each woman’s daily life. We long to elevate the cultural conversation and revitalize reading literature from books. If you would like us to help you select worthy reading material, we invite you to join and read along. We are better together! For information on how to start or join a Well-Read Mom group visit our website wellreadmom.com

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