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Two persons making their book selection in the library

The Wondrous Connectivity of Grace

By Well-Read Mom | May 24, 2022 | Comments Off on The Wondrous Connectivity of Grace

The child of staunch atheists, Lucette Le Goulard, would hardly appear a likely candidate to one day lead a cloistered community of Poor Clare nuns as Mother Veronica Namoyo Le Goulard. Reared in an emotionally neglectful home and given scant opportunity to experience both lasting, intimate human connection or the deep love of God, Lucette would seem more liable to exhibit despondency and desolation than spiritual depth. Yet, in exploring the extraordinary events of an earthly pilgrimage, one recognizes the glimmers of beauty and truth woven subtly yet movingly throughout the main character’s life—hints of the Divine, which slowly, perhaps even imperceptibly at times, led Lucette on a Salvific path. A Memory for Wonders: A True Story relates Mother Le Goulard’s unpredictable journey toward God: a journey marked by its incredible and adventuresome episodes, as well as its seemingly insurmountable impediments to discovering God, Faith, Love, and Truth. The unlikely nature of her wondrous odyssey should serve as a reminder to us all that Christ’s Truth is ubiquitous and often shown to us through the most unlikely of events, encounters, or even relationships.

Well Read Mom Placard placed in front of a plant

Grace in the Midst of Evil: How Difficult Literature Can Elevate Our Understanding

By Well-Read Mom | May 23, 2022 | Comments Off on Grace in the Midst of Evil: How Difficult Literature Can Elevate Our Understanding

When I consider what entices me to read a literary work, I find myself focusing on specific criteria: Is the reading style pleasurable? Is the content informative or inspiring? Does it bring joy, peace, or truth to my spirit? After all, there are only so many hours in a day to devote to reading (however earnestly I wish there were more). A busy mother must be somewhat picky in her literary decisions between juggling work and kids’ schedules, chores, and errands. While it is natural to have partialities—favorite authors, subject matter, or writing styles—there is merit in persevering through works that do not immediately resonate with us or perhaps, even repel us. Indeed, plenty of literary works are devoid of value and should be something we avoid. However, a myriad of offerings exists that, while they may jar our sensibilities, still relate universal truths.

a beautiful interior of a bar with lights and plants

The Poetic Invitation

By Well-Read Mom | May 16, 2022 | Comments Off on The Poetic Invitation

My ten-year-old daughter, Josie, has been obsessed with the Anne of Green Gables books by L.M. Montgomery for two years. She dressed as Anne for Halloween, carries her pencils in an “I’d Rather Be in Avonlea” case, and has read the entire series three times. She tried to persuade me to read the books many times.

Books opened for reading accompanied with coffee

The Extraordinary in the Ordinary; Finding Annunciation in Montgomery and Flannery

By Well-Read Mom | May 3, 2022 | Comments Off on The Extraordinary in the Ordinary; Finding Annunciation in Montgomery and Flannery

Flannery O’Connor and L.M.Montgomery, though their visions are so different, are both writers who urge the reader to awake to the beauty and meaning in reality that is illuminated with signs of God’s divine grace and even further to hear God’s call to us through these signs.

Colorful flowers are beautifying this garden area

Seeking Understanding: How Meaningful Relationship and The Study of Literature Encourage Empathy

By Well-Read Mom | April 27, 2022 | Comments Off on Seeking Understanding: How Meaningful Relationship and The Study of Literature Encourage Empathy

More often than I would care to admit, particularly in the closing weeks, I found myself bitterly lamenting my emotional loneliness. In my hormonally-impacted state, the problems were undoubtedly exacerbated. I genuinely felt unheard by those within my own home as I struggled to contend with the chaos of a bustling household. I attempted to balance limitless baskets of laundry in addition to Cheerios strewed across my living room, countless errands, and a toddler in a leg cast while simultaneously being increasingly impeded by an ever-expanding belly and an ever-diminishing level of patience. Suffice to say, “nesting” is next to impossible when you have nine other children. Not only did the tranquility and rest I was naturally craving seem unattainable, but it also seemed hopeless to expect others to empathize with my weariness.

Beautiful decorative arrangement in a living room

Time to Read

By Well-Read Mom | April 19, 2022 | Comments Off on Time to Read

As I spread a pile of books on the table at The Roadside Cafe, the waitress was curious, “What kind of work do you do?” She was surprised when I told her I run a national book club for women.

Book reading is often accompanied with a cup of coffee

Marilla Cuthbert and the Journey of Unconventional Motherhood

By Well-Read Mom | March 31, 2022 | Comments Off on Marilla Cuthbert and the Journey of Unconventional Motherhood

What does it mean to live out the generative capacity that all women are called to when you have borne no children? All women possess the calling to be fruitful, but each of us must ask what that means for us in particular. Some of us will continue working out the answer to this question for our entire lives, whether because of singleness, infertility, or a commitment to the religious life. A darling, fuzzy-headed toddler sleeps peacefully in the next room as I write this. Still, it took over a decade of marriage and a beautiful yet heartbreaking adoption journey for me to become a mother.

Excitedly going through the first page of a novel

In Praise of Useless Reading

By Well-Read Mom | March 21, 2022 | Comments Off on In Praise of Useless Reading

In An Experiment in Criticism, C.S. Lewis asserts that there aren’t two types of books (good and bad), but instead, there are two types of readers: the “many” and the “few”. I feel confident that everyone reading this blog post falls into the second category.

Book is placed on a beautifully decorated table

This Ordinary Life

By Well-Read Mom | March 14, 2022 | Comments Off on This Ordinary Life

Even in Christian culture we have a tendency to magnify the extraordinary and minimize the ordinary. It’s laughable, really, because Christ Himself lived a beautiful ordinary life.

Books are lined up for reading on a table

Starting a Book Club on Too Little Sleep

By Well-Read Mom | March 7, 2022 | Comments Off on Starting a Book Club on Too Little Sleep

It seems like a questionable decision brought on by too few hours of consecutive sleep (not unlike when I put the ketchup bottle in the dishwasher or when I machine washed and dried my favorite wool sweater). According to lots of people who know me (and everyone who doesn’t know me but sees me at Costco), my hands are full. I don’t have time to start a book club. Maybe, just maybe, I could join a book club that someone else started (probably not, though, because I wouldn’t have time to keep up with the reading). That’s why I love Well-Read Mom.