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Well-Read Mom

The Joy in the Heart of the Mother of a Religious Sister

By Well-Read Mom | February 11, 2021 | Comments Off on The Joy in the Heart of the Mother of a Religious Sister

THE JOY IN THE HEART OF THE MOTHER OF A RELIGIOUS SISTER by Ana Braga-Henebry Ana is originally from Rio, Brazil, and has a M.A. in Humanities/Aesthetic Studies. She teaches Latin in parochial schools. Ana and her husband Geoffrey, a scientist and professor, raised seven children. Their sixth child is a Norbertine sister in CA.…

Well-Read Mom

Good Books can be a Path to Virtue

By Well-Read Mom | January 14, 2021 | Comments Off on Good Books can be a Path to Virtue

January 14, 2021Year of the Sister As part of the annual New York Encounter cultural event several years ago, Well-Read Mom arranged a reading of selected letters from C. S. Lewis’s book, The Screwtape Letters. This book is made up of a series of fictional advice letters from a senior demon to his young nephew, who has…

Well-Read Mom

Good Intentions Are Not Enough

By Well-Read Mom | January 7, 2021 | Comments Off on Good Intentions Are Not Enough

January 7, 2021Year of the Sister How many times have I made my list of resolutions with some gusto on New Year’s day, only to forget what they were by the end of the month?  Good intentions are not enough.  They need to transition into a plan. Benjamin Franklin once said, “If you fail to plan,…

Well-Read Mom

Merry Christmas

By Well-Read Mom | December 31, 2020 | Comments Off on Merry Christmas

December 31, 2020Year of the Sister The beautiful chaos of the Christmas season should be mostly over. Now is the time to sit back and relax in the glow of the tree lights while soaking in the refreshing peace that comes from enjoying a good book. The ground here in Minnesota is covered with a…

Reading on the table while also drinking coffee

The Way of Perfection: A reflection by a Cloistered Dominican Nun

By Well-Read Mom | December 17, 2020 | Comments Off on The Way of Perfection: A reflection by a Cloistered Dominican Nun

December 17, 2020Year of the Sister We may wince at the prospect of growing in humility—but we so enjoy the company of humble persons. Isn’t this one of the reasons why St. Teresa of Avila is so delightful? She has no pretenses and disarms the reader with her simplicity and candor. She may have been…

Well-Read Mom

Pssst. I have a little secret.

By Well-Read Mom | December 10, 2020 | Comments Off on Pssst. I have a little secret.

Pssst…I have a little secret. By Nicole Bugnack I have a little secret. I don’t particularly like reading Well-Read Mom’s spiritual reads.  You see, I find reading them incredibly difficult. I desire to have read them (note the past tense), but the amount of discipline it takes to immerse myself in these books is challenging.…

A painting capturing an event in religious history

The Eternal Effect of a Rembrandt—A Reflection by Teri Severson

By Well-Read Mom | April 14, 2020 | Comments Off on The Eternal Effect of a Rembrandt—A Reflection by Teri Severson

April 14, 2020Year of the Artist   RETURN OF THE PRODIGAL SON BY REMBRANDT      Does art have a message for the onlooker? Does it have a goal or a possible meaning behind it for the observer? Artist Francis Bacon stated “The job of the artist is always to deepen the mystery.”  In Henri Nouwen’s…

Well-Read Mom

Making Life More Meaningful by Danielle Wiener

By Well-Read Mom | February 7, 2020 | Comments Off on Making Life More Meaningful by Danielle Wiener

February 7, 2020Year of the Artist Here is a link to the original article. As an avid reader, I’ve always felt both curious and suspicious of book clubs. The idea of getting together with other book lovers and discussing our mutual interest was intriguing, but that would require me to read a book chosen by…

The First Christmas, a book for children by Thomas Williams

The First Christmas: A New Children’s Book by Thomas Williams, illustrated by Frank Fraser

By Well-Read Mom | November 11, 2019 | Comments Off on The First Christmas: A New Children’s Book by Thomas Williams, illustrated by Frank Fraser

November 11, 2019Year of the Artist As I showed my young son the animated film of Dr. Seuss’s How the Grinch Stole Christmas last December — a childhood favorite of mine featuring the splendid narration of Boris Karloff — I came to the disturbing realization that our most memorable Christmas poetry in the English language…

Well-Read Mom

Who We Are & The Stories We’re In by Julia Harrell

By Well-Read Mom | October 4, 2019 | Comments Off on Who We Are & The Stories We’re In by Julia Harrell

October 4, 2019Year of the Pilgrim I’ve been a member of a Well-Read Mom group outside Washington, DC for three years. During that time, I’ve discovered some new gems and reread some old favorites. I was thrilled when The Power and The Glory, one of my all-time favorite novels, was on the Well-Read Mom list last…