Reading Slumps & Femininity in Support of Fatherhood

Femininity in Support of Fatherhood

Written by Nicki Johnston

Toward the end of the summer, I found myself in a reading slump. And as we all know from Dr. Seuss, “When you’re in a Slump, you’re not in for much fun. Un-slumping yourself is not easily done.” Over the years, I have discovered a reliable strategy for un-slumping myself: reread a favorite book. Luckily for me, WRM selected one of my favorite books as our first pick of the year.

I was so grateful to reread Peace Like a River – not only for its ability to help me get out of my reading slump (just in time for the Aeneid!) or for the pure delight of rereading a well told story (more about that in this post about True Grit) – but because rereading in community with Well-Read Mom gives me a frame through which I can encounter the book afresh.

When the Year of the Father was announced, my thoughts immediately turned to my role as a daughter, both of my Heavenly Father and of my earthly one, but I didn’t think at all about the theme relating to my role as wife or mother until we read aloud from the Reading Companion at our kick-off meeting.

On page 15, Well-Read Mom writes “As mothers, our role complements the role of the father; the more we know about the task and call of fatherhood, the more fully we will be able to dedicate ourselves to the task and call of motherhood.”

With this in mind, I saw Roxanna differently than I had before. In past readings I had admired her hospitality and her willingness to take in Swede and Reuben, who were so very much in need of mothering. But as I read the story this time, considering how I as a woman can complement my husband in his role of fatherhood, it was her relationship with Jeremiah that stood out to me.

There is a moment when Jeremiah returns home from his outing with Andreeson, and Swede persuades Reuben to hold back and let Roxanna be the one to welcome their father. The children watch as Roxanna reaches for Jeremiah’s hand and then he responds by laughing and briefly encircling her waist.  Reuben says of his father, “When he turned to us, he’d never appeared stronger or more like himself or more capable of stepping up to what might be required” (244).

Because I had read the book before, I knew exactly what would be required of Jeremiah: the “transaction” (310) that would take place on Rueben’s behalf in which Jeremiah would take Reuben’s place, just as he said he would after Reuben’s encounter with Dr. Nickles and his botched needle (261).

This mysterious, heroic and sacrificial act of Jeremiah’s was made possible by Roxanna’s love. Just as Roxanna had been, in Swede’s words, “transfigured” (196) by her relationships with the Lands, Jeremiah became a better man and more capable father because of Roxanna’s love. Her presence in the Lands’ lives did not signal “the end of the miraculous,” as Reubeun feared (292) but rather, “God Himself had placed her beneath [their] lives” (308) for this exact purpose.

In the Reading Companion, we are asked to consider “the role of the feminine (or lack thereof) in the lives of the Land family” and ponder how we can “protect and preserve the uniqueness of femininity.” The role that Roxanna plays in the story illustrates this beautifully. Reuben speaks of “her sacrifice” and how she “poured more courage” and gave “selflessly” (308). In this way, she is a model of how we, as wives and mothers, can support our husbands and children so that they may accomplish whatever God requires of them.

The ultimate model of femininity is, of course, Mary. I draw this loose parallel because at Sunday Mass, after having just finished Peace Like a River earlier that morning, our pastor drew our attention to the image of Our Lady of Perpetual Help that hangs in our church. He pointed out how the angels in each corner carry the instruments of the crucifixion and how the story behind the image is of the Christ child experiencing such anguish at his future Passion that he leapt out of his sandal and into the arms of His mother.

As wives and mothers, we are called to be a place of warmth, consolation, and love for our husbands and children. To borrow the phrases Reuben uses to describe Roxanna, being a wife and mother is a “gallant endeavor” that requires “the deepest reserves of joy and strength” (289). While our prayer life and participation in the sacraments are the primary ways we can help build these reserves in ourselves, encountering literary characters who embody them also gives us something to which we can aspire.

I felt encouraged by both Roxanna and Jeremiah. I was especially struck by how, at the end of the book, Jeremiah perfectly exemplifies the quote Well-Read Mom has selected for us for the year. As the penultimate chapter begins, Reuben has entered “the next country” first, and his father rushes to catch up with him. Jeremiah invites Reuben to run and easily shoots in front, led by his desire to meet “the master of that country.” But rather than going ahead of Reuben, Jeremiah holds back so that he can travel together with his son, reaching for his hand “as he’d done a thousand times in the past” (303).

St Francis de Sales paints this same picture of our Heavenly Father:
“…Like a good father who holds his child by the hand, He will accommodate His steps to yours and will be content to go no faster than you…” 

As we ponder this quote throughout the upcoming year, I’ll keep this particular image in mind. In his interview with Marcie, Leif Enger said that Peace Like a River is a story “that even though hard things happen in it, affirms the ideas of family, love, loyalty, and sacrifice.

It was the perfect way to begin the Year of the Father.

About Nicki Johnston

Nicki Johnston is a home educator, a CGS catechist, an avid reader and an amateur naturalist. She lives in Kansas with her husband, Graham, and their four sons.

About Well-Read Mom

In Well-Read Mom, women read more and read well. Our hope is to deepen the awareness of meaning hidden in each woman’s daily life, elevate the cultural conversation, and revitalize reading literature from books. If you would like to have us help you select worthy reading material, we invite you to join and read along with us. We are better together! For information on how to start or join a Well-Read Mom group visit our website

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Well-Read Mom