Leader Resources

Well-Read Mom

Thank you for your "yes"!

Thank you for saying "yes" to helping women to read more and read well. Well-Read Mom makes it easy to lead a group.

We'll walk with you every step of the way, from inviting the women, hosting an informational meeting, publicizing your group, helping the women get registered, and running a low-stress and meaningful meeting.

Please review these leader resources and our leaders' frequently asked questions. Feel free to reach out to us at any time if you have questions.

Get started As a Leader

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    When you register, you'll be able to identify yourself as a leader and designate your group as "open" or "closed" to new members of the public.

    After you've formally registered, we will add you to our leader list within 48 hours. Then, your friends can select you as their leader when they register. This way, we won't try to connect your group members to another group.

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    Access the Leader Materials

    Please review all of the leader materials and free downloads at the bottom of the page. 

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    Invite Friends and Publicize Your Group

    These could be relatives, moms, neighbors, teachers, co-workers, etc. Women can be of any age and stage in life. We understand "motherhood" in the broadest sense as the generative capacity of all women.

    Use our customizable flyer, brochures, and registration forms at the bottom of this page to invite your friends. Take a risk! Even a handful of women can make for a wonderful experience. 

We believe by first bringing women into small groups where they feel supported, they experience more joy in their marriage, jobs, families, and have greater self-confidence, and grow closer in their faith with God. Therefore, Well-Read Mom women are equipped to face the cultural challenges of this world.

"The night of our first meeting, I came home very excited after listening to the first audio. Yes! The idea that I would be a better wife and mother by taking time to read more struck me while at the same time calmed me, because I could see it was the truth. I instinctively knew that God had created me to learn and study; to be well read. And in doing so it would enrich our marriage and family life."

"Women will increasingly play a part in the solution of the serious problems of the future: leisure time, the quality of life, migration, social services, euthanasia, drugs, health care, the ecology, etc.

In all these areas, a greater presence of women in society will prove most valuable, for it will help to manifest the contradictions present when society is organized solely according to the criteria of efficiency and productivity, and it will force systems to be redesigned in a way which favors the processes of humanization which mark the "civilization of love."

- St. John Paul II

"Since Well-Read Mom has done so much of the work of choosing the books, preparing great materials to foster discussion, and even sending out monthly audio introductions to play at our meetings. I really just have to make some snacks, clean the bathroom, and open the door for everyone to come in. I also have to read the books, of course, and I'm so glad I have a reason to do that."

“The first demand a work of art makes upon us is surrender. Look. Listen. Receive.
Get yourself out of the way. (There is no good asking first whether the work before you deserves such a surrender, for until you have surrendered you cannot possibly find out.)  -C.S. Lewis

"Motherhood has been the biggest blessing to me, but in giving to my family a balance was lost. When I joined WRM, a spark ignited within me. My conversations with my husband became richer, my friendships deeper, and how God speaks to us began to look different. The work you all are doing is beautiful and important. I am so grateful to have found this community.” - Karen


We want to do our best to ensure that all leaders have what they need to be successful. Here's what we're asking of you:

  • INVITE the women into this experience of friendship and organize the details of the meetings.
  • CONNECT the women by helping them register with Well-Read Mom, so they'll have the necessary resources to be successful.
  • CLEARLY PROPOSE the model of Well-Read Mom, which invites women to explore the annual theme through monthly reading selections.
  • FOLLOW the Well-Read Mom method: accompany, read, compare, and share using our monthly audios and printed materials.
  • FOSTER FRIENDSHIP among the women by facilitating the group in a way that encourages respectful and thoughtful dialogue.

The One Well-Read Mom Reading Rule

In Well-Read Mom we only have one rule. Don’t apologize if you don’t finish the reading. Our goal is to help women read more and read well.

That said, it’s hard to have a discussion if no one has read, so discuss group expectations with one another.

Essential Leader Resources

Leaders, please be sure to read through the following documents.

You can download free copies below or purchase printed copies as part of our LEADER STARTER PACK in our Store